
daskperiment uses Backend classes to define how and where experiment results are saved. Currently, following backends are supported.

  • LocalBackend: Information is stored in local files. This is for personal usage with single PC. Use this backend when you don’t need to share information with others or to move file(s) to another PC.
  • RedisBackend: Information is stored in Redis and can be shared in a small team or among several PCs.
  • MongoBackend: Information is stored in MongoDB and can be shared in a team or among PCs.

You can specify required Backend via backend keyword in Experiment instanciation.


LocalBackend saves information as local files. When you create Experiment instance without backend argument, the Experiment uses LocalBackend to save its information as default.


Unrelated logs are omited in following examples.

>>> import daskperiment
>>> daskperiment.Experiment('local_default_backend')
... [INFO] Creating new cache directory: /Users/sinhrks/Git/daskperiment/daskperiment_cache/local_default_backend
... [INFO] Initialized new experiment: Experiment(id: local_default_backend, trial_id: 0, backend: LocalBackend('daskperiment_cache/local_default_backend'))
Experiment(id: local_default_backend, trial_id: 0, backend: LocalBackend('daskperiment_cache/local_default_backend'))

To change the directory location, specify the path as pathlib.Path instance to backend argument.

>>> import pathlib
>>> daskperiment.Experiment('local_custom_backend', backend=pathlib.Path('my_dir'))
... [INFO] Creating new cache directory: /Users/sinhrks/Git/daskperiment/my_dir
... [INFO] Initialized new experiment: Experiment(id: local_custom_backend, trial_id: 0, backend: LocalBackend('my_dir'))
Experiment(id: local_custom_backend, trial_id: 0, backend: LocalBackend('my_dir'))

The following table shows information and saved location under specified cache directory.

Information Format Path
Experiment status (internal state) Pickle <experiment id>.pkl
Experiment history Pickle <experiment id>.pkl
Persisted results Pickle persist/<experiment id>_<function name>_<trial id>.pkl
Metrics Pickle <experiment id>.pkl
Function input & output hash Pickle <experiment id>.pkl
Code contexts Text code/<experiment id>_<trial id>.py
Platform information Text(JSON) environmemt/device_<experiment id>_<trial id>.json
CPU information Text(JSON) environmemt/cpu_<experiment id>_<trial id>.json
Python information Text(JSON) environmemt/python_<experiment id>_<trial id>.json
NumPy information (numpy.show_config) Text environmemt/numpy_<experiment id>_<trial id>.txt
SciPy information (scipy.show_config) Text environmemt/scipy_<experiment id>_<trial id>.txt
pandas information (pandas.show_versions) Text environmemt/pandas_<experiment id>_<trial id>.txt
conda information (conda info) Text environmemt/conda_<experiment id>_<trial id>.txt
Git information Text(JSON) environmemt/git_<experiment id>_<trial id>.json
Python package information Text environmemt/requirements_<experiment id>_<trial id>.txt


RedisBackend saves information using Redis. To use RedisBackend, one of the simple ways is specifying Redis URI as backend argument.

>>> daskperiment.Experiment('redis_uri_backend', backend='redis://localhost:6379/0')
... [INFO] Initialized new experiment: Experiment(id: redis_uri_backend, trial_id: 0, backend: RedisBackend('redis://localhost:6379/0'))
Experiment(id: redis_uri_backend, trial_id: 0, backend: RedisBackend('redis://localhost:6379/0'))

Or, you can use redis.ConnectionPool.

>>> import redis
>>> pool = redis.ConnectionPool.from_uri('redis://localhost:6379/0')
>>> daskperiment.Experiment('redis_pool_backend', backend=pool)
... [INFO] Initialized new experiment: Experiment(id: redis_pool_backend, trial_id: 0, backend: RedisBackend('redis://localhost:6379/0'))
Experiment(id: redis_pool_backend, trial_id: 0, backend: RedisBackend('redis://localhost:6379/0'))

The following table shows information and saved location under specified Redis database.

Information Format Key
Experiment status (internal state) Text <experiment id>:trial_id
Experiment history (parameters) Pickle <experiment id>:parameter:<trial id>
Experiment history (results) Pickle <experiment id>:history:<trial id>
Persisted results Pickle <experiment id>:persist:<function name>:<trial id>
Metrics Pickle <experiment id>:metric:<metric name>:<trial id>
Function input & output hash Text <experiment id>:step_hash:<function name>-<input hash>
Code contexts Text <experiment id>:code:<trial id>
Platform information Text(JSON) <experiment id>:device:<trial id>
CPU information Text(JSON) <experiment id>:cpu:<trial id>
Python information Text(JSON) <experiment id>:python:<trial id>
NumPy information (numpy.show_config) Text <experiment id>:numpy:<trial id>
SciPy information (scipy.show_config) Text <experiment id>:scipy:<trial id>
pandas information (pandas.show_versions) Text <experiment id>:pandas:<trial id>
conda information (conda info) Text <experiment id>:conda:<trial id>
Git information Text(JSON) <experiment id>:git:<trial id>
Python package information Text <experiment id>:requirements:<trial id>


MongoBackend saves information using MongoDB. To use MongoBackend, one of the simple ways is specifying MongoDB URI as backend argument.

>>> daskperiment.Experiment('mongo_uri_backend', backend='mongodb://localhost:27017/test_db')
... [INFO] Initialized new experiment: Experiment(id: redis_uri_backend, trial_id: 0, backend: MongoBackend('mongodb://localhost:27017/test_db'))
Experiment(id: mongo_uri_backend, trial_id: 0, backend: MongoBackend('mongodb://localhost:27017/test_db'))

Or, you can use pymogo.database.Database. Note that you cannot pass MongoClient as backend because it doesn’t specify the backend database.

>>> import pymongo
>>> client = pymongo.MongoClient('mongodb://localhost:27017/')
>>> db = client.test_db
>>> db
Database(MongoClient(host=['localhost:27017'], document_class=dict, tz_aware=False, connect=True), 'test_db')
>>> daskperiment.Experiment('mongo_db_backend', backend=db)
... [INFO] Initialized new experiment: Experiment(id: mongo_db_backend, trial_id: 0, backend: MongoBackend('mongodb://localhost:27017/test_db'))
Experiment(id: mongo_db_backend, trial_id: 0, backend: MongoBackend('mongodb://localhost:27017/test_db'))

The MongoBackend creates a document collection named experiment id under the database specified in MongoBackend. The following table shows document created under the collection.

Information Format Document
Experiment status (internal state) Text {‘experiment_id’: <experiment id>, ‘category’: ‘trial_id’}
Experiment history (parameters) Pickle {‘experiment_id’: <experiment id>, ‘category’: ‘trial’, ‘trial_id’: <trial id>, ‘parameter’=<parameters>, ‘history’=<history>}
Experiment history (results) Pickle (same document as parameters)
Persisted results Pickle {‘experiment_id’: <experiment id>, ‘category’: ‘persist’, ‘step’: <function name>, ‘trial_id’: <trial id>}
Metrics Pickle {‘experiment_id’: <experiment id>, ‘category’: ‘metric’, ‘metric_key’: <metric name>, ‘trial_id’: <trial id>}
Function input & output hash Text {‘experiment_id’: <experiment id>, ‘category’: ‘step_hash’, ‘input_hash’: <function name>-<input hash>}
Code contexts Text {‘experiment_id’: <experiment id>, ‘category’: ‘code’, ‘trial_id’: <trial id>}
Platform information Text(JSON) {‘experiment_id’: <experiment id>, ‘category’: ‘environment’, ‘trial_id’: <trial id>, ‘device’: <device>, …}
CPU information Text(JSON) (same document as device)
Python information Text(JSON) (same document as device)
NumPy information (numpy.show_config) Text (same document as device)
SciPy information (scipy.show_config) Text (same document as device)
pandas information (pandas.show_versions) Text (same document as device)
conda information (conda info) Text (same document as device)
Git information Text(JSON) (same document as device)
Python package information Text (same document as device)