Command Line Interface

daskperiment also supports execution from command line.

First, prepare a Python script to define experiment. The usage of Experiment class is all the same as Jupyter example. daskperiment regards the result of a function decorated with Experiment.result (calculate_score function in below case) as experiment output.

The below is a prepared script example named “”.

import daskperiment

ex = daskperiment.Experiment(id='simple_experiment_pj')

a = ex.parameter('a')
b = ex.parameter('b')

def prepare_data(a, b):
    return a + b

def calculate_score(s):
    return s + 1

d = prepare_data(a, b)

You can provide parameter values from command line options using key=value format. daskperinemt automatically parse parameters and perform computation.

python a=1 b=2

... [INFO] Initialized new experiment: Experiment(id: simple_experiment_pj, trial_id: 0, backend: LocalBackend('daskperiment_cache/simple_experiment_pj'))
... [INFO] Finished Experiment (trial id=1)

Let’s perform another trial using different parameters. daskperiment automatically saves trial history as the same as Jupyter example (see trial id is incremented).

python ../scripts/ a=3 b=2

... [INFO] Loading Experiment from file: daskperiment_cache/simple_experiment_pj/simple_experiment_pj.pkl
... [INFO] Finished Experiment (trial id=2)

To confirm the experiment results, instanciate Experiment specifying the id of the script and use Experiment.get_history.

>>> import daskperiment

>>> ex = daskperiment.Experiment(id='simple_experiment_pj')
>>> ex.get_history()
   a  b  Result    Result Type  Success                   Finished  \
1  1  2       4  <class 'int'>     True 2019-02-03 XX:XX:XX.XXXXXX
2  3  2       6  <class 'int'>     True 2019-02-03 XX:XX:XX.XXXXXX

     Process Time  Description
1 00:00:00.009560          NaN
2 00:00:00.006512          NaN

Command Line Options

Use –seed option to provide random seed from terminal,

python --seed 1